In April I posted my last blog about the remarkable
recovery Rob has made from stage 4 cancer (please read below). The good news is
he has continued to improve, feeling good most of the time, and defying the
predictions of his doctors. We are writing these blogs for the benefit of
others who find themselves fighting against the odds. It has been a tough
journey, but it’s not over yet.
The Results - 12 month comparison
Here is what Rob has achieved:
PSA steady at 7.6 after a peak of 321 one year
All other blood work normal
Weight steady at 70kg from a low of 52kg
Eating normally after being unable to swallow
anything but smoothies for several months
Exercising daily, including 2-4 times per week
up a 500m mountain behind our house, without becoming breathless – last year at
this time he could not manage 500m on flat ground without stopping several
Working at normal tasks all day without resting
– last August he spent most of his day resting.
His recent CT scan shows
o All
the metastatic lymph nodes are approximately half the size of the previous scan
last year (he has these in his abdomen, pleural cavity, neck and around the
o previously
identified ascites and pleural effusions (fluid) are all clear now
o previously
noted extensive bone cancer is now showing a healing response (scar tissue)
o new
lesion on one adrenal gland, however this area was obscured by the swelling of
other metastatic nodes last time so it may have already been there
new multiple subcutaneous cancer lesions around
his left upper chest
Development of a hiatus hernia giving reflux
(not cancer related)
All this has been achieved without any chemo drugs or
radiation. Rob’s only ‘medication’ has been dexamethasone, an anti-inflammatory
steroid. The remainder of his regime has been natural therapies, notably an
alkaline diet, exercise, intravenous vitamin C and Salvestrol.

Up until we received the CT report, Rob’s doctors had
suggested that Rob’s dropping PSA has been due to the orchidectomy, which has
starved the cancer of testosterone. However, they have agreed that the result
of the recent CT scan was ‘very impressive’ and ‘astonishing’ and that they
could not attribute it to the orchidectomy alone. So clearly the natural methods
are having a positive impact on Rob’s health.
Changes to his protocol in the past 6 months
Rob has continued to focus on natural remedies, and is replacing his Dexamethasone with a
turmeric supplement for the anti-inflammatory properties. His Dex dosage has reduced
from 1.5 mg in April to
.25mg now and he is hoping to drop this in the near future.
A significant change has been his diet. After taking an
IGG blood test (see food sensativity testing and contact me for a discount code if you are interested in taking this test) he discovered a high inflammation
response to wheat and a medium response to a number of other foods, notably egg
and dairy. His is now completely wheat free and has limited his egg and dairy
intake. He has also cut out as much sugar as possible from his diet, including
fruit (he had been eating only natural sugars since diagnosis). He has been
focusing more on vegetarian meals with very occasional red meat.
To try to get on top of the new cancer lesions he will be
taking intravenous vitamin C treatments twice weekly for the next 6-12 weeks.
Rob has had some setbacks along the way. He has been
prone to injury while building up his weakened muscles, and these have slowed
down progress physically as well as mentally. Its hard not to think the worst
when he has a pain in his back, for example. He also developed a hiatus hernia
which made eating extremely painful. The doctors rushed him off for a
gastroscopy, and ordered the CT scan, which all showed a perfectly normal
health complaint that was easily treated with a short course of medication. More
worrying is a crop of new lumps across his chest, which the doctors have agreed
are likely to be cancer. These are just under the skin, so not really affecting
anything at the moment. Here is a photo of them.
Where to from here
Traditional medicine has nothing to offer at present.
They are keen for Rob to keep doing what he is doing and monitor progress.
Rob’s natural therapists are concerned that the cancer is
still there, and want to attack it more aggressively with intravenous vitamin C.
None of the natural therapies are funded, so the cost of the additional
treatment is going to be around $2000 per month. If anyone is willing to help
out I have lots of cool stuff you can purchase – gift vouchers for massage,
yoga, retreats or accommodation, hand-
made crystal and pearl jewellery, tshirts and pre WW2 glass fishing floats. Please email me to find out more.
Rob’s regime August 2016
4 am
Take 3
salvesterol capsules
treatment and lymphatic brushing
lemon juice in warm water with “Turmeric Plus” supplement (1 teaspoon)
and meditation
Take 2
salvesterol capsules
– 1 poached egg (per week) or avocado on gluten free toast
– immunity fuel (probiotic), glutamine, Good Green Stuff, Clean Lean Protein
powder, liposomal Vitamin C 1000mg, 1 tsp baking soda in warm water
Lunch –
salad, chicken or fish (3-4 times per week), goats cheese, avocado, 1 piece
of fruit, 1 bliss ball (see recipes )
– mineral complex, vitamin B complex, Omega 3 and 6, , liposomal Vitamin C
1000mg, herbal concoction from naturopath (various depending on state of
health- see previous blog note 6)
– Dexamethasone .25 mg (see previous blog note 7)
– coconut milk, flax oil, Clean Lean Protein powder, plus seasonal greens or
aloe vera for reflux
on nuts if hungry
– mostly vegetarian, alkalizing foods (see previous blog note 2)
– mineral complex, cod liver oil, liposomal Vitamin C 1000mg
Infrared Sauna (30 Min)- Every second night
All day
addition to drinking around 1.5 litres of water throughout the day,
1 litre
of water with borax and magnesium (see previous blog note 8)
vitamin C
grams (see previous blog note 9) – For the next 6 weeks he will have this
twice weekly (he had been taking fortnightly treatments)
Thank you
We are continually grateful for the support of family and
friends and the motivation that we receive from you!
More Information?
Continue reading the previous blog for Rob's full story...
More Information?
If you have any questions about our blog feel free to
contact us by email.
We are also available for personal consultations,
exercise or nutrition advice, and offer 3 to 7 day retreat vacations at WHYRetreat.
Continue reading the previous blog for Rob's full story...
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